Rocky the Train

Regular price $0.00

All Aboard!

Hop aboard Rocky, our very own electric train! While its power source may be modern, its aesthetic is not. Resembling an authentic 19th century locomotive complete with bells, steam whistles and a caboose, Rocky provides a scenic tour along our paved pathway, while you get to stay comfortably seated.

Grab some snapshots of the features you’ll pass - wooden lifelike carvings, railway crossings, the tunnel and more - while the Train Conductor regales you with stories along the way.

Rocky is a warm season family favourite, suitable for all ages. Be sure to take a ride on Rocky!



Access to Rocky the Train comes with your general park admission rate. Please note that our last park admission is sold 2 hours prior to closing.  Last ride leaves the Big Rock Rail Road Station at 5pm.


Rocky the Train Hours of Operation

Season Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
May 3 - June 27 - - - - - 10:30-5 10:30 - 5
June 28 - Sept 1 10:30-5 10:30-5 10:30-5 10:30-5 10:30-5 10:30-5 10:30-5

Sept 2 - Oct 13

- - - - - 10:30-5 10:30-5

Also includes Holiday Mondays May 19,Sept 1 and Oct 13.  Last day of operation Monday, October 13. Operating hours are weather dependent.

* last park admission sold 2 hours prior to closing  


Things To Know Before You Go:

  • Tours regularly depart from the Big Rock Railway Station and take approximately 10 minutes.
  • Rocky the Train operates during warm weather seasons only, excluding severe weather days. 
  • All ages and abilities are able to ride aboard Rocky the Train.

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